1. Cleanse twice daily if possible with benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or a gentle cleanser.
  2. Wash off makeup! Use of pore plugging ingredients found in cosmetics may cause acne cosmetica. If you use makeup, sunscreen or other facial products, the most important thing you can do to prevent an acne flare is to wash your face before bed.
  3. Exfoliate (gently!) to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores (chemical vs. mechanical exfoliation).
  4. Use OTC or prescription retinoid at bedtime. With regular use, retinoids, which are vitamin A derivatives, help unclog pores which is the source for inflamed acne bumps.
  5. Keep hair off your face and other acne prone areas like your back and chest. Hair oils may aggravate acne.
  6. Stay cool! Excessive heat (e.g. hair dryers) may worsen acne.
  7. Get some quality R&R and 8-hrs of sleep. Stress and sleep deprivation may worsen acne by increasing stress-hormones.
  8. Eat well, exercise, and stay hydrated. Insulin resistance is associated with acne.
  9. Change your pillowcase weekly at least.
  10. Sleep on your back. Occlusion makes acne worse
  11. Do not pop your pimples. This can worsen inflammation and lead to scarring.
  12. Use sunscreen to prevent acne scars from getting worse.
  13. Don’t be too aggressive with acne products. You can actually make acne worse!

If nothing seems to work, start a dialogue with your dermatologist early on to control acne inflammation. Left untreated, inflammatory acne can result in undesired discoloration and permanent scarring, which may require other remedies such as laser resurfacing, fillers, and steroid injections. Your treatment plan should fit with your lifestyle and be manageable at home.